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New books  from
Kevin Roberts


Masque & Other Yarns

Kevin Roberts made a powerful and connecting poetic leap into the history of wars in his finely-crafted "Footprints"  His chapbook, just the right heft and shape, can be carried along better than an Everyman classic. .

Check out the chapbook at Picaro Poets...


Kevin Roberts


Kevin Roberts 

Flashers & Hoochies

In all of Kevin Roberts' writing we have a poet’s eye showing us the connections and pulses of his many worlds. In his new Book Flashers And Hoochies,  he captured the spirit of the times as he wrote about his experiences as a commercial salmon troller on the B.C. coast from 1974-9.
Heidi Greco says, of Kevin’...” His richly textured life is reflected in his writing.” 
This floating book takes us trolling in a world that is no more. You’ll be happy to take this personal voyage with him.

Kevin Roberts is a writer who continues to have important things to say and he says them powerfully and humourously ...." Ross Clayton

 Roberts richly textured life is reflected in his writing. Whatever part of the world he  writes from he does so with a finger on the raw nerve that runs inside us and is linked inexorably to our mortality.  -- Heidi Greco  Prairie Fire

...his characters come to life with profound realism.    Gary Sorkin - .


PHP is proud to stillcarry Kevin's Books .